Thursday, April 19, 2012

Breathe in, Breathe out

Sorry about yesterday's rambling post.  I just needed to vent and since no one other than me and the occasional random lurker ever actually reads this blog I figured it was a safe place to do it.  I'm still miffed by it all and I'm not entirely sure why I am still letting this and her take up mental space but it is.

I'm really just having a blah kind of week for some reason.  The weather here is very drab and off and on rainy so I know that is part of it.  It's also sort of cold and damp and I'm over that weather now.  I thought we had moved on to warm spring/early summer weather and I am excited to wear my new Jack Rogers - cue pouting lip and stomping feet :).  I'm still having problems with ants in the kitchen and master bathroom.  Terminex was out again today so let's hope that fixed the problem - last week's visit did not.  And of course they always show up during the baby's nap time which causes problems.  I'm trying to get my plans finalized for summer vacation - which is only a month away for us - and I'm getting stressed about making that all come together.  Just a lot of nit picky little things and I think a lot of people are just trying my patience this week.  I need to take a deep breath and say F you remember what and who is important to me and let the other stuff go.  Breathe in, breathe out.... ahhh

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